Member Benefits
The Westchester Chamber of Commerce is committed to providing businesses with the opportunities and services they need to excel in the community. As an organization of committed businesses, the chamber of commerce works to bring members together to create meaningful and profitable business relationships. Members of the WCC will also profit from the following benefits:
- Monthly networking events
- New member recognition within the chamber ad of the monthly Village of Westchester Newsletter mailed to over 7,000 homes and businesses in Westchester
- Free advertisement in the chamber ad of the monthly Village of Westchester Newsletter’s “Member Milestone” promotion box and “Member Highlights”
- Advertisement opportunities in WCC’s E-blast promotion
- Opportunities to present at local small-business workshops
- Opportunities to host a chamber event, such as Breakfast, Lunch or “After Hours”
- Business listed in the Chamber Member Directory and on the chamber website
- Promote your business
- Ribbon cuttings for businesses
- Monthly events opportunities
- Chamber decal to display at place of business to represent your chamber affiliation
- Governmental representation
- Business referrals
- Chamber Directory in the new resident packet and available at the Village
Take your WCC membership a step further! Become a committee member and you will have the opportunity to assist the Board of Directors in reaching the chamber’s goals by participating in events, tasks and committees. Get to know fellow members and develop deeper connections that lead to a stronger business community! SIGN UP NOW